Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A New Endeavor

So, I figured it was about time for me to jump on the blog-bandwagon, but I've got to be perfectly honest - I've never been great at keeping a journal with any kind of consistency, so the chances of me being consistent with blogging are extremely slim.  That being said, I will give it my best shot!  (And hopefully eventually figure out how to work all these gadgets and gizmos in designing my blog...)

A few things you need to know about me:
  1. I'm a stay-at-home-mom, and I love it!  It is by far THE MOST challenging and humbling task I have ever undertaken, and I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to do it.
  2. I'm a self-confessed nerd.  Yep, and unashamed!  I grew up on Star Trek and Narnia, and I still love a good sci-fi flick or fantasy novel.  I love to read, and do it as often as I can.  And since I used to be an English teacher, most of the books I read are still Young Adult (YA) fiction.
  3. I love to cook/bake and try new recipes.  My family and friends are frequent guinea pigs for me, and although they often give me funny looks when I describe new recipes I'm trying out, they usually wind up wanting the recipe after they try it... :)
  4. I have a somewhat obsessive personality.  I don't know what else to call it, really.  I tend to get on these kicks where I'm really into something and spend lots of time and energy on it until the next thing comes along.  Current obsession?  Cloth diapers!
  5. I am a work in progress!  I do strive to live my life in a way that is pleasing to God, but there are many areas in which I know I fall short.  I'm so thankful for God's graciousness and mercy in my life and the way he patiently shapes me a little more each day.
I don't really know why I've suddenly felt compelled to start a blog except to say that I want my life, my family's life to be a blessing to others.  You never know what will minister to someone else, how God can use the strangest things to draw attention to his glory... My prayer is that He will be glorified through this new endeavor!

**Side note:  I felt like I needed to explain the name of our blog!  When Chris was playing basketball for the K-State Wildcats, a friend of his used to annoy the coach during games by holding up a sign that said "Marsh Madness" with Chris's number on it and constantly riding him to put Chris in.  The memory still makes him laugh, and up until last year, Chris even still had the original sign.  That, coupled with the fact that our lives are often a little bit crazy, made me think it was a fitting name... :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog world. I haven't been keeping up with mine lately but feel free to check it out.
