Thursday, October 6, 2011

Moving Along

Time seems to be getting away from me rather quickly these days!  And what, you may ask, have I been doing with my days?  Well, this..

Momma & Avery

...and this...

Love our Gymini!

...and this...

...and our Jumperoo!

...and this...
Post-Storytime :)
...and, well, you get the idea!

Hangin' with Tess
Snuggles with Daddy after Bathtime

Going to Church in all our Cuteness!
 It's so hard to believe that Avery is almost 6 months old!!  (She'll be six months exactly next week, on the 14th.)  Avery loves to be read to (and enjoys chewing on the books afterwards), is fascinated by Tess, and has started balancing herself when we sit her upright well enough to play like that for quite a while.  She loves jumping up and down in her jumperoo, and sucking on her toes, and just the other day rolled herself over onto her tummy (and then got a foot stuck in the crib slats and needed Mommy to come rescue her!).  She's growing so big and changing so much!  We have her 6 month doctor's appointment on the 17th - we are anxious to see just how big she's gotten in the past few months. 

Speaking of getting older, I can't believe I'll be turning 30 here shortly...yikes.  Chris and I were talking about that the other day and laughing about how when you're in your teens and even 20s, 30 seems so far away and people in their 30s just seems so...mature and together??  Like they know what they're doing and have it all figured out...  Riiiight...  Now that I'm here (and Chris has been here for a few years - Lol!) we realize just how silly that is!  I don't feel any more "mature and together" now than I did when I turned 20!  I wonder if that will change when I turn 40, or 50, or...  Do you ever really feel "mature and together?"  The only things that seem to have changed to me are the responsibilities I have - a husband and child (ok, and dog!) - and the roles that I fill - wife and mother.  I'm sure in some ways I have changed and matured, but it doesn't really feel like it.  I guess time is just moving along faster than I can really keep up.

Smiles for Momma (love those clean diapers!)

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